Meat Packing Factory

ANTM Cycle 10, Week 3

Ugh, what a disgusting photoshoot. What were the producers thinking making the girls actually literally WEAR meat on them? What a disgusting concept! I hope to god they threw that meat out when the girls were done taking their pictures. This is definitely the worst photoshoot this cycle. If it’s any consolation, a lot of the photos came out great. I was impressed with the quality of photos despite this horrible concept. Only two photos truly came out bad, but for the most part the girls did a good job with this photoshoot. Not onto the photos!

1. Katarzyna


Katarzyna did the best with this concept this week, and thus, was robbed of first call out. I love her grabbing of the meat and touching the giant slab with her other hand. Her face looks gorgeous too, though she could’ve used some more life in her eyes. But that’s only a minor nitpick, as this picture is fabulous.

2. Whitney


LOVE this! Whitney looks absolutely horrified to be in a meat packing place AND to be wearing meat. Her body looks slamming, and I love the body language that goes along with it. I love the disgusted look on her face too. The only nitpick I have is this feels a little more like a PETA awareness campaign than it is a fashion shoot. But considering the theme of this photoshoot, it still works.

3. Anya


This is a very strong photo of Anya, but I wouldn’t have given this first call out ;ike it got at panel. I like the pose she’s doing, as well as her interaction with the giant meat. Her face looks lovely too, it almost doesn’t even look like her. A few things drag the photo down though. I can’t see her meat top very well, and her leg position looks uneven. Other than that I still like this shot.

4. Lauren


I almost gave this photo first call out. This used to be my favorite photo in the bunch. But a few things made my change my mind about it. First of all, I can barely see her neck, she could’ve extended it more. While I do like her face, her eyes could’ve used more intensity. I adore her pose though, and she’s doing a great job selling the clothes, which definitely saves the photo. This is one of Lauren’s better photos in the competition.

5. Marvita


I’d say this is a pretty strong photo of Marvita. I like how she’s effortlessly standing there, she doesn’t even need to do a whole lot to look good. I like her strong stare too, she was one of the few to not look at the camera. And that kind of works too. She could’ve pushed a little bit more, but it’s fine as is.

6. Claire


One thing that frustrates me about this photo is the eyes. They are so lifeless. I mean look alive dammit! The pose is great though, her body looks amazing and I like the bent left leg too. This would’ve ranked a lot higher if it weren’t for those utterly dead eyes.

7. Dominique


It’s a good photo, but it feels very overposed to me. I like Dominique’s face here, her mouth is a little tense but eyebrow raise saves it. I do like where she was going with the pose, but I don’t like how she positioned her legs. It makes her thighs look huge, and it’s not a good look. Had she not smushed herself against the barrels so much, this photo would’ve worked a whole lot better.

8. Amis


It was definitely time for Amis to go, as this girl just could not model. However, this photo is actually the best Amis has ever taken. It is far from the worst in the bunch. I like how she’s entirely in profile and pushing the meat. I love the intensity she brought to the photo. My problems with the photo is like Anya, you could hardly see the meat or her clothes. Plus she looks way shorter than normal too. It’s an alright photo, and an IMMENSE improvement over her other two photos, but I 100% agreed with her elimination this week.

9. Stacy Ann

Stacy Ann

Once again, Stacy Ann is overposing here. This isn’t fashion, this isn’t interesting, it just looks like the kind of pose a 12 year old would do. Her face is bland too, there is absolutely no life in her eyes. If I could name one positive thing about this photo though, she does a good job selling the meat. It stands out, and it does look good on her. I’d like this photo a lot more if she didn’t try too hard.

10. Aimee


After two strong photos, Aimee takes an extremely weak, and awkward photo. She looks like she’s standing on a subway, evident in her holding on to the hook above. She is not doing one single thing interesting with her body. Her face looks angry too, she looks like she’s glaring at you. And it’s not the kind of fierce stare either that makes the photo fashionable. This is a terrible photo, especially considering the past two photos she took.

11. Fatima


What the hell is Fatima doing here? She’s just standing there growling like a sad puppy. Why did Fatima think this was in any way going to look good? For somebody who’s supposedly an amazing model, she certainly took one atrocious picture here. One of the worst photos this cycle, and her bottom two appearance in this episode was well deserved.


1. Whitney (3.3) 2/6/2

2. Claire (3.3) 3/1/6

3. Marvita (4.0) 4/3/5

4. Anya (4.3) 6/4/3

5. Aimee (4.3) 1/2/10

6. Katarzyna (4.7) 8/5/1

7. Lauren (6.7) 5/11/4

8. Dominique (7.3) 7/8/7

9. Kimberly (9.0) 9 – (Quit Week 1)

10. Fatima (9.3) 10/7/11

11. Allison (10.0) 11/9 – (Eliminated Week 2)

12. Stacy Ann (10.7) 13/10/9

13. Amis (11.3) 14/12/8 – (Eliminated Week 3)

14. Atalya (12.0) 12 – (Eliminated Week 1)


Aimee: 0

Allison: 0

Amis: 2

Anya: 0

Atalya: 0

Claire: 0

Dominique: 0

Fatima: 1

Katarzyna: 0

Kimberly: 0

Lauren: 0

Marvita: 0

Stacy Ann: 0

Whitney: 0

Intimates Lingerie

ANTM Cycle 10, Week 2

I liked this photoshoot. I liked the concept of the girls modeling lingerie while on a boat with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background. I thought that was pretty cool. The downfall of this photoshoot however, was the pictures. This has probably been the least satisfied I have ever been with a set with photos in the history of the show. Almost all the photos came out bad. I really only like the first four photos. The rest are really…. awkward. I don’t know if it was because most of the girls were laying down, or if it were too many dead faces, but I didn’t like a lot of these pictures at all. But regardless, onto the photos!

1. Claire


This photo is perfection. I love everything Claire is doing in this picture. The eyebrow raise, the pose, her facial expression, she is selling me everything here. Also, is it me or does Claire look exactly like Jay Manuel here with her new makeover? Her makeover was godawful, but she makes it look stunning here. Claire was definitely robbed of first call out this week.

2. Aimee


Aimee is one of the very few to pull off the kneeling/sitting in her photo, and she looks stunning too. I love the wind in the hair, and her face looks fierce too. She even makes the lingerie look good, which is a plus, as that is one ugly set she is wearing. That can’t be helped by her of course, but bonus points for making ugly lingerie look appealing.

3. Marvita


I love this photo so much, and Marvita did an excellent job with it. Like Aimee, she looks positively fierce despite being on her knees, and her legs look fabulous. I love the hand on her upper leg , and her face is divine. This is probably the softest and most feminine she has ever looked. This totally deserved the second call out it got at panel, though I just happened to like Aimee and Claire’s pictures more.

4. Anya


While there is no way this should have gotten seventh call out at panel, I’m not exactly in love with this picture. I’m not a fan of her missing right arm, and her right leg is twisted weird, but besides that I like this picture of Anya. Her body looks slamming and her face looks lovely. I like the wind in the hair too. This is one of the few photos I even like this week.

5. Katarzyna


I kind of like and dislike this picture at the same time. I love Katarzyna’s pose, but the face kind of drags it down a bit. She looks a tad expressionless, and the hair in the face looks bad. If it wasn’t for either of that, this would’ve made for a fabulous picture. But in a week of mostly weak pictures, this is one of the few pictures that even comes close to working.

6. Whitney


Why is Whitney all covered up here? What is the point of that? This is a lingerie shot, we’re supposed to see her bra for god sakes. I don’t even blame her for this, whoever set up the wardrobe really dropped the ball here. Despite that, Whitney still did alright with the photo. I do like her pose, and her face is alright too. Though she could’ve softened up a little, as she does look a little mean here. It’s a decent photo, though this looks more like sexy secretary than it is lingerie model.

7. Fatima


I’m sorry, but Fatima just doesn’t have the body for lingerie at all. She is way too thin, and she just isn’t suited for it at all. Despite the body though, I do like the pose she’s doing. I like her arm placement and I like how she placed her legs together. The face looks nice too, and I like the wind in the hair, but she could’ve pushed a little more. It’s a good photo, but nothing spectacular.

8. Dominique


Not a stellar photo. Dominique looks old as hell here with that terrible makeover. I am so glad that got fixed later. She seriously looks so manly here. I do kind of like the pose, and she’s doing a good job showing off the lingerie. The face is dead though, she just looks bored. This is one of the weaker photos in the bunch, but she did do better than the other four girls ranked below her.

9. Allison


I was so glad Allison got eliminated this episode. She had a downright nasty attitude, and I loved watching her get her comeuppance by getting cut. This photo, like last week’s photo, is incredibly weak. Her body looks completely stiff, and her face is just dead. She looks like she’s ready to fall asleep. I do like how tall she looks, her legs go on for miles. But the rest of the photo is so bland I can’t get into it. Either way, she was a nasty bitch and I’m glad she got eliminated here. Good riddance.

10. Stacy Ann

Stacy Ann

I don’t get what Stacy Ann is doing here. Her body looks extremely awkward with her laying like she is. Her face looks too aggressive too. That’s not the inviting look I expect when looking at a lingerie ad. Her legs look nice I guess, but that’s about the only positive thing I can say about this photo. The rest of this photo is just really, really bad.

11. Lauren


I don’t know how this got first call out at panel. This is probably one of the most mysterious first call outs in the history of the show. This is just bizarre. This doesn’t look like a lingerie ad at all, she looks like she’s doing some weird hip hop dance. Her legs are way too far spread out, she’s hunched over awkwardly, and her face looks way too square. It just takes you right out of the photo. This would not sell me lingerie, in fact it would make me not want anything sold in this photo at all. This couldn’t be anymore far from high fashion and it tried. Dreadful photo, but I wouldn’t exactly rank it dead last. As one more girl did worse than her….

12. Amis


For the second week in a row, Amis takes the worst photo this week. This is absolutely terrible. Her body looks extremely awkward, she’s just lying there looking tired, and her face is not only completely dead, she looks downright manly too. I really don’t think modeling is for Amis. She seems like a really cool person to hang out with in real life, but she did not cut it as a model. At all. And both this photo and last week’s photo prove it.


1. Aimee (1.5) 1/2

2. Claire (2.0) 3/1

3. Marvita (3.5) 4/3

4. Whitney (4.0) 2/6

5. Anya (5.0) 6/4

6. Katarzyna (6.5) 8/5

7. Dominique (7.5) 7/8

8. Lauren (8.0) 5/11

9. Fatima (8.5) 10/7

10. Kimberly (9.0) 9 – (Quit Week 1)

11. Allison (10.0) 11/9 – (Eliminated Week 2)

12. Stacy Ann (11.5) 13/10

13. Atalya (12.0) 12 – (Eliminated Week 1)

14. Amis (13.0) 14/12


Aimee: 0

Allison: 0

Amis: 2

Anya: 0

Atalya: 0

Claire: 0

Dominique: 0

Fatima: 0

Katarzyna: 0

Kimberly: 0

Lauren: 0

Marvita: 0

Stacy Ann: 0

Whitney: 0

Homeless Models

ANTM Cycle 10, Week 1

Time to rank a new cycle! This time, I am going to rank Cycle 10. And this cycle kicked off their photoshoot with homeless models. I liked this photoshoot. I liked the concept of the girls posing as homeless models, a very dire situation people struggle in real life. I also liked the clothes they had to sell too. Yes even the raggediest of clothes make me want the clothes the models are wearing. I also liked the background models in all of the girls’ pictures as well, one of them being Isis! Who would participate on the show one cycle later and on All Stars. I thought it was a nice touch having background models in the girls’ pictures. It just goes to show that a person is not alone regarding their homelessness. And a lot of the pictures came out great too. There were only about four girls who I thought truly failed, but the rest of the pictures turned out fine. Now onto the photos!

1. Aimee

1. Aimee

Wow, this is strong! I normally hate just standing there shots, but Aimee really makes it work here. She is doing a terrific job showing off the clothes, and the face is extremely strong. This doesn’t necessarily give me the homeless vibe, but this is so effortless I can honestly overlook it. This photo is just perfect.

2. Whitney

2. Whitney

Whitney gets way too much undeserved hate in the fandom. I feel like people like to pick on her just because she beat out Anya and wasn’t always happy and giggly. And boy does Whitney get off to one strong start here or what? This photo is amazing. She is doing an excellent job selling me the clothes she’s wearing, and I adore her face. Kind of wish she wasn’t hiding her arms so much, but that’s only a minor nitpick. Still an excellent photo nonetheless.

3. Claire

3. Claire

I love this picture of Claire. I love her pose, I like the broken down legs and I even like her hand on her tummy too. Her face is gorgeous too, it’s probably the softest Claire has ever photographed. Granted this was before her awful makeover, but still. I really don’t have any complaints about this picture, I just prefer Whitney and Aimee’s pictures more.

4. Marvita

4. Marvita

Hello androgynous! Marvita seriously looks androgynous like here. This is an amazing shot. I love how she’s just casually posing, and I love her hand placement too. Her face is stunning too, so much confidence. I really don’t understand how she was only called seventh for this at panel. She looks so fashionable it’s ridiculous.

5. Lauren

5. Lauren

I like the punk vibe Lauren is giving in this picture. It definitely sells the clothes, and it’s very fashionable. I like the face too, but I think she tilted her head a little too much. It makes her eyes look a bit sleepy, though that could just be the dark make up. Overall, this is a pretty good picture of Lauren, but I’m not a huge fan of it as much as the top four pictures I ranked above.

6. Anya

6. Anya

First call out?! Really?! This is a really good picture of Anya don’t get me wrong, but no way does it deserve the love it gets. I feel like Anya is overposing too much. She’s doing way too much in one little shot. She is selling me the clothes, and she’s certainly making me want her clothes, which is a plus. Her face looks gorgeous though, I have no complaints there. Just wish she wasn’t overposing so much.

7. Dominique

7. Dominique

I really like this photo of Dominique, but like Anya, I feel like it’s a bit overposed. Her face is divine, the angle in which she positioned her face really highlights her cheekbones really well. She did a terrific job photographing softly here. Not a big fan of the pose though. It’s overposed, and I don’t get the point of the stick either. This looks more like a performance during a musical, and not necessarily a homeless fashion shoot. Still a good photo of her nonetheless.

8. Katarzyna

8. Katarzyna

Meh, this photo is alright. Everything about this photo though just seems sleepy. Her body errs a bit on the half assed side, and her face looks just plain sleepy. She really isn’t giving me anything to keep me engaged in this picture. She is doing a good job selling me the clothes, and they do look good on her, which is a plus. I just wish she pushed a little more. Otherwise, this photo would’ve ranked a lot higher.

9. Kimberly

9. Kimberly

I’m sorry, but I find this photo of Kimberly really, really overrated. People only overrate this photo because of Kimberly quitting. This is not as iconic as people make it out to be. That being said, I do like the picture. She’s selling me the clothes, and they look great on her, but I don’t really like her pose. She’s hunched over too much, looking as if she’s in pain and has a back ache. What saves the photo is the face. I definitely see the desperation, though her eyes could stand to have a little more life in them. Too bad she quit the show, especially under the circumstances why. Not sure how far she would’ve gotten, but I would’ve liked to see her in some of the other photoshoots this cycle.

10. Fatima

10. Fatima

I don’t get what Fatima is doing here in this shot. She’s not selling me the clothes here, which is a very important aspect of a photoshoot. She’s just hiding the clothes while wallowing away in her sadness. She’s just standing there for me. That kind of thing worked in Aimee’s photo, but Fatima fails to make it work here. She’s just not doing anything interesting. I do kind of like the face, it definitely sells the sadness, but I do think it’s a little too much. This isn’t a bad photo by any means, but it doesn’t leave even remotely interested in what she’s selling.

11. Allison

11. Allison

I mean, the face kind of works, but the body is extremely stiff and uninteresting. I do like the hints of a rock vibe she’s giving me, but it just feels so half assed. This photo is just super bland, and it’s hard to find anything to like about it. I really don’t have a whole lot to say about this picture, and I don’t want to waste anymore time talking about it either.

12. Atalya

12. Atalya

I agreed with Atalya’s elimination in this episode. There is absolutely nothing interesting about this photo whatsoever. The pose is a bit stiff, and the face is so bland. What is she looking at? What does that have to do with homelessness? Granted, it doesn’t look nearly as busted as Amis’ “look at something off camera” face, but it doesn’t make me in any way interested in what she’s selling. This is just a boring shot all around, and it doesn’t catch me eye at all.

13. Stacy Ann

13. Stacy Ann

This is just bad. Stacy Ann WAY overposed here, and it really cheapens the shot. I don’t know what the hell she is doing with her pose. That doesn’t embody the homeless aspect, it just looks like she’s dancing in a hip hop music video. It’s completely out of place for a photoshoot like this. Plus, she doesn’t even make the clothes look good either. They look completely shapeless. The pose also makes her look way shorter than she is too. Her face is just expressionless too. This doesn’t meet the homeless brief at all, and it’s almost comical how little it does. She did do better than one other girl though, which saves her from being dead last.

14. Amis

14. Amis

Awful picture. She’s not doing one single thing interesting with her body, she made the clothes look terrible and unappealing, and don’t even get me started on the face. Like with Atalya’s shot, what is she looking at? What is the point of her looking at nothing with her eyes bulging out? I don’t get it. I have absolutely nothing positive to say about this picture, and her bottom two appearance at panel was well deserved.


1. Aimee (1.0) 1

2. Whitney (2.0) 2

3. Claire (3.0) 3

4. Marvita (4.0) 4

5. Lauren (5.0) 5

6. Anya (6.0) 6

7. Dominique (7.0) 7

8. Katarzyna (8.0) 8

9. Kimberly (9.0) 9 – (Quit Week 1)

10. Fatima (10.0) 10

11. Allison (11.0) 11

12. Atalya (12.0) 12 – (Eliminated Week 1)

13. Stacy Ann (13.0) 13

14. Amis (14.0) 14


Aimee: 0

Allison: 0

Amis: 1

Anya: 0

Atalya: 0

Claire: 0

Dominique: 0

Fatima: 0

Katarzyna: 0

Kimberly: 0

Lauren: 0

Marvita: 0

Stacy Ann: 0

Whitney: 0

Vulnerable in Bed

ANTM Cycle 24, Week 7

I quite liked this photoshoot. I liked the concept of the girls, (most of them), lying in bed and looking vulnerable. I wasn’t quite a big fan of the hands in the photo, the hand being the other girls touching featured model in their respective shots. I understand the message behind it, but it just looked weird to me. I did like the photography of it though, and most of the girls did a fabulous job with the photoshoot too. With Tyra Banks as the photographer, you can’t go wrong. As photoshoots with her as the photographer usually usually produce stunning shots. Unfortunately, this photoshoot and episode featured like last week, another bullshit elimination. And Tyra was an utter bitch to the eliminated girl to. It was so painful to watch. I hope the next few episodes don’t continue to produce more bullshit eliminations. Because up until last week, I was agreeing with all the other eliminations. But enough rambling, onto the photos!

1. Sandra

1. Sandra

This is gorgeous. This seriously looks like this can be an ad. I love everything about this photo, the face, her hand placements, all of it. She looks so relaxed, almost as if she feels safe and protected by the girls around her. This is a huge step up from her weak picture from Week 1 at casting. Sandra is definitely the most improved contestant of this cycle!

2. Kyla

2. Kyla

I have major flashbacks to April’s shoes picture from Cycle 2 when looking at this picture. What with the heads being turned all the way back. April’s picture was stunning, and so is this one too. I love her head position and her relaxed face. It’s like she feels so empowered with all the girls’ hands around her. If only she arched her back more, then this shot would’ve been divine. But it’s fine the way it is, so I have no other complaints.

3. Khrystyana

3. Khrystyana

And Khrystyana slays away again this week. I don’t think it is possible for her to take a bad picture. I love her body position and the way she’s showing off her curves. The face is to die for, I believe the vulnerability 100% here, especially in the eyes. Her vulnerability really brings out her green eyes, and they couldn’t look anymore gorgeous. Another fantastic picture for Khrystyana’s portfolio.

4. Brendi

4. Brendi

Look who’s back near the top again. Lately Brendi has been a bit inconsistent in my call outs, but fortunately she managed to churn out a very strong photo here. I love the pose she’s going for, and I love her arm positions too. Her face is the best part of this photo. Like the group photo from two weeks ago, Brendi has shown she is capable of a soft expression, and she has nailed it again here. One thing I’d like to know is why isn’t she on a bed? Why is she practically pushed against a wall? And who the hell photoshopped this picture? I can clearly see Shanice’s head and long ass arm, and part of Kyla’s face, and it’s distracting. None of the other girls had this problem. My eyes still go to Brendi though, and that’s all that matters.

5. Shanice

5. Shanice

This is an alright picture of Shanice, but not nearly as strong as the top four girls above her. I kind of like the face, but what really drags it down is her arms. She’s not doing anything interesting with them, and they look too limp and awkward. Not much more too say about this other than it’s not really that great.

6. Christina

6. Christina

There is NO way Christina should’ve been eliminated this week. This picture isn’t THAT bad. I do like her laying position, but I’m not a huge fan of the face. Her nose is way over nostrilled and freakishly huge, and she looks a little too worried in the face. I know the point of the shot is vulnerability, but I think she overacted too much here. While this is not her greatest shot, and while I was not a huge Christina fan, she should NOT have been eliminated for this. Tyra was such a bitch to her at panel. Christina didn’t have an attitude, she was just sticking up for herself. There is a difference. Tyra didn’t have to be a big drama queen just for the ratings. Christina definitely should’ve stayed another week.

7. Jeana

7. Jeana

It’s just so overdone. This is so overdone it completely misses the brief of this whole photoshoot. If this were just a look sexy in a lingerie ad, this would’ve been the perfect photo. Instead, Jeana’s mouth is open a little too agape, and once again she is over squinting those eyes, almost to the point where they look closed. I do like her hand positions though, so it does save this shot from being a complete lost cause. I want to like this picture, as Jeana usually takes pretty stunning photos. But this photo just doesn’t fit the brief, at all.

8. Rio

8. Rio

I want to know what happened to Rio here. For the first three or so weeks, she was taking stunning photos. Now her photos range from mediocre to just plain awful. This photo is pretty subpar. She’s just lying in bed looking as if she has just woken up, and she has zero expression on her face. She also has no chin and her nostrils, like in Christina’s picture, are too huge. I mean, I guess I like her hand positions, she looks like she’s snapping her fingers. But even then, it doesn’t have anything to do with vulnerability, so it’s hardly a positive. I hope Rio steps it up again soon. I want to see the girl who took a glamorous pregnant picture Week 2 back.

9. Erin

9. Erin

Erin should’ve gone this week. I honestly don’t know why she’s still here at this point. Her photos are continuing to slip, and this photo is no exception. This is terrible. Her face is dead, and she’s not doing anything to keep me interested. Don’t even get me started on that inexcusable hair of hers too. I know part of that is not her fault, but geez at least try to stand out despite your hair look as if you’ve been electrocuted. This is by far the worst photo in the bunch, and she really should’ve gone home this week. No questions asked.


1. Khrystyana (2.1) 2/3/4/1/1/1/3

2. Liberty (3.5) 3/4/1/3/6/4 – (Eliminated Week 6)

3. Jeana (4.4) 6/2/2/8/4/2/7

4. Liz (5.3) 1/8/8/4 – (Quit Week 4)

5. Rio (5.7) 4/1/3/9/9/6/8

6. Sandra (5.9) 15/6/6/6/2/5/1

7. Kyla (6.7) 7/15/7/2/5/9/2

8. Christina (7.7) 9/7/13/5/7/7/6 – (Eliminated Week 7)

9. Erin (8.3) 5/5/9/12/8/10/9

10. Brendi (8.4) 10/14/10/10/3/8/4

11. Shanice (9.1) 14/9/11/11/11/3/5

12. Coura (9.2) 8/10/5/13/10 – (Eliminated Week 5)

13. Rhyian (10.8) 12/12/12/7 – (Eliminated Week 4)

14. Ivana (12.0) 11/11/14 – (Eliminated Week 3)

15. Maggie (13.0) 13/13 – (Eliminated Week 2)


Brendi: 0

Christina: 0

Coura: 1

Erin: 2

Ivana: 1

Jeana: 0

Khystyana: 0

Kyla: 1

Liberty: 0

Liz: 0

Maggie: 0

Rhiyan: 0

Rio: 0

Sandra: 1

Shanice: 1

ANTM – Intermission


1. CariDee English (2.7)


2. Nicole Borud (3.0)


3. Brittany Hatch (3.0)

4A. Brittany

4. Yaya DeCosta (3.1)


5. Christina Murphy (3.1)


6. Amanda Swafford (3.3)


7. Amanda Babin (3.3)


8. Felicia Provost (3.3)


9. Natasha Galkina (3.8)

2. Natasha

10. Michelle Babin (3.8)


11. Anchal Joseph (3.9)

12. Leah Darrow (4.0)

13. Dionne Walters (4.1)

14. Eva Marcille (4.2)

15. Jaslene Gonzalez (4.2)

16. Renee Alway (4.2)

17. AJ Stewart (4.2)

18. Ann Markley (4.3)

19. Melrose Bickerstaff (4.4)

20. Michelle Deighton (4.4)

21. Naima Mora (4.5)

22. Kahlen Rondot (4.5)

23. Brittany Brower (4.6)

24. Eugena Washington (5.1)

25. Cassie Grisham (5.2)

26. Rebecca Epley (5.3)

27. Sarah VonderHaar (5.3)

28. Keenyah Hill (6.3)

29. Norelle VanHerk (6.4)

30. Tatiana Dante (6.4)

31. Julie Titus (6.5)

32. Tiffany Richardson (6.8)

33. Jael Strauss (7.0)

34. Samantha Francis (7.0)

35. Diana Zalewski (7.2)

36. Brooke Miller (7.3)

37. Brandy Rusher (7.3)

38. Whitney Cunningham (7.4)

39. Lluvy Gomez (7.4)

40. Megan Morris (7.5)





How ANTM Cycle 8 Should’ve Gone

My order of eliminations had the show gone my way

Like my previous write ups, I’m gonna post who should’ve been first call out, bottom two, and eliminated for each of the respective weeks. I will post the actual first call outs, bottom two, and eliminations on the real show, and how I thought those respective call outs/eliminations should’ve gone, and my reasons behind it. After this post, I’m gonna try to get the latest photoshoot from Cycle 24 posted. Also coming after this post will be the intermission, a list of how all the girls I’ve ranked so far on my site. This is a popular list among WordPress sites, and now that I have ranked enough cycles, I will rank the Top 40 girls from highest to lowest averages. And I will NOT be including the Cycle 24 girls on this list, since Cycle 24 is still airing and the girls’ average are naturally, constantly changing. But the highest ranked girls from Cycles 3, 4, 7, and 8 will definitely be on the list. As soon as I’m done posting both of those, then I will rank Cycle 10 next.

Now onto my personal elimination orders!

Week 1:

FCO: Jaslene

Bottom Two: Jael & Kathleen

Eliminated: Kathleen

My FCO: Brittany

My Bottom Two: Jael & Kathleen

My elimination: Kathleen

Reasons: Not much changed outside of Brittany getting first call out over Jaslene the first week. Besides that, the bottom two and elimination remain the same. Kathleen produced an atrocious picture and was absolutely clueless at the photoshoot. So thus, she still goes first.

Week 2:

FCO: Jaslene

Bottom Two: Samantha & Natasha

Eliminated: Samantha

My FCO: Felicia

New Bottom Two: Cassandra & Renee

My elimination: Cassandra

Reasons: There was no doubt Natasha churned out an utterly atrocious picture the second week. But I wouldn’t have necessarily put her in the bottom two for it. And I would NOT have eliminated Samantha just for being an introvert despite having TONS of potential. Who would be the new bottom two then? Renee and Cassandra. The former for taking an abysmal class clown picture, and looking like she has numerous missing limbs. And the latter for taking an utterly uninspiring cheerleader picture, and for taking a weak picture the week before. I will never understand how people could give her cheerleader picture first call out. So Cassandra will be the second one eliminated.

Week 3:

FCO: Brittany

Bottom Two: Cassandra & Diana

Eliminated: Cassandra

My FCO: Sarah

New Bottom Two: Diana & Jaslene

My elimination: Diana

Reasons: With Cassandra gone, the next weakest is Diana, as well as Jaslene’s way too scarily thin body in her picture. Diana and Jaslene are the new bottom two, with Diana getting eliminated next.

Week 4:

FCO: Renee

Bottom Two: Dionne & Felicia

Eliminated: Felicia

My FCO: Brittany

New Bottom Two: Whitney & Jael

My elimination: Whitney

Reasons: NO WAY would Felicia be eliminated, or anywhere near the bottom two this week. Her picture was just a little bland at the worst, it in no way warranted an elimination. And Dionne certainly would not have been in the bottom two either, despite having to be coached at the photoshoot. Thus, the bottom two changes, with Whitney and Jael being in the bottom instead. I feel bad for putting Jael in the bottom two considering this photoshoot came a week after her friend’s death. But lets face it, her picture this week was so blah. She wouldn’t get eliminated though, that honor would go to Whitney, who had by far the weakest portfolio thus far. Funny how my revised bottom two is the same bottom two and eliminated girl as Week 7 on the real show. Possible foreshadowing maybe?

Week 5:

FCO: Natasha

Bottom Two: Whitney & Diana

Eliminated: Diana

My FCO: Jaslene

New Bottom Two: Samantha & Jael

My elimination: Jael

Reasons: With Diana and Whitney gone, the next weakest link after both plus sizes of the cycle is Jael. Her picture was downright cringeworthy, if not nightmare fuel. Plus after coming off of last week with a not so great picture, it would be time to eliminate her here. As for Samantha being in the bottom two with her, I don’t think she’d have the confidence to pull off a cross dressing shot. And I can see her being uncomfortable with posing with drag queens. Thus her joining Jael in the bottom two, but getting spared.

Week 6:

FCO: Jael

Bottom Two: Whitney & Sarah

Eliminated: Sarah

My FCO: Brittany

New Bottom Two: Jaslene & Sarah

My elimination: Sarah

Reasons: Jaslene most definitely should’ve been in the bottom two for her four personalities picture. She had the same look in all four photos! She’d be spared though, and Sarah would still be eliminated, just like she was in the actual episode. She WAY overdid it in all four of her pictures, (even if it was a ridiculous photoshoot), and I don’t get the love for her. So Sarah can go next.

Week 7:

FCO: Dionne

Bottom Two: Whitney & Jael

Eliminated: Whitney

My FCO: Brittany

New Bottom Two: Renee & Samantha

My elimination: Samantha

Reasons: With no Jael or Whitney, the next weakest link would be Renee. While her picture was not terrible, I was not a fan of it either. But I wouldn’t have cut her either, as she still had loads of potential and took VERY strong photos in the weeks after this. My elimination for this week would go to Samantha. For some reason, I just don’t see her pulling off a campy shot like this. So I think 7th place would be a good stopping point for her here.

Week 8:

FCO: Natasha

Bottom Two: Jael & Brittany

Eliminated: Jael

My FCO: Natasha

New Bottom Two: Felicia & Brittany

My elimination: Felicia

Reasons: Brittany sucked hard in her commercial, and no doubt deserved her bottom two appearance this week. But like the real show, I also would’ve kept her around another week. As for the elimination, I think this would’ve been the week I would’ve sent Felicia home. I can’t really picture her pulling off a CoverGirl commercial, in an Australian accent no less. Plus, the other five girls were a bit stronger than her, so 6th place is where Felicia’s journey on the show would end.

Week 9:

FCO: Jaslene

Bottom Two: Dionne & Brittany

Eliminated: Brittany

My FCO: Renee

My Bottom Two: Dionne & Brittany

My elimination: Dionne

Reasons: So the bottom two here is the exact same one on the show. Only Dionne would get cut instead of Brittany. While I do realize Brittany was cut because of her meltdown at go sees, she still had a hell of a lot more to offer at the time of her elimination, and had a far stronger portfolio. Dionne on the other hand, had a far more mediocre portfolio, and STILL needed coaching in her photoshoots. Even this late in the competition. Thus my elimination for Dionne this week instead of Brittany.

Week 10:

FCO: Renee

Bottom Two: Dionne & Natasha

Eliminated: Dionne

My FCO: Renee

New Bottom Two: Jaslene & Natasha

My elimination: Natasha

Reasons: Funny how my revised bottom two is the final two on the actual show. Natasha’s picture this week was absolutely abysmal, and really should’ve been eliminated that week. And with Dionne already gone, she honestly would have been eliminated. As for Jaslene, I don’t actually consider her picture bottom two worthy. But with Renee and Brittany still in the competition, it would just push her down to that bottom position. And honestly, I don’t think Brittany would screw up a photoshoot like that of the Aboriginal. Jaslene would still be spared though, and Natasha would get the boot at fourth place.

Week 11:

FCO: Jaslene

Bottom Two: Natasha & Renee

Eliminated: Renee

My FCO: Jaslene

New Bottom Two: Brittany & Renee

My elimination: Renee

Reasons: Despite taking the only halfway decent CoverGirl picture this cycle, I’d still choose to eliminate Renee because I happened to prefer both Jaslene and Brittany more. The next strongest picture after Renee was Jaslene, who I would give first call out to. Besides that, only the bottom two has changed from my revised version to the actual show. Only difference is Brittany is in the final two with Jaslene instead of Natasha.

Final Two: Jaslene & Brittany

America’s Next Top Model is…. Jaslene!

So Jaslene wins here, just like she did on the actual show. I know she wasn’t always consistent, but she was a very strong competitor and I was glad that she won. Brittany would be my runner up, as her portfolio was nearly flawless. She could never cut it as a winner though, as she was highly unprofessional at times. Thus why Jaslene wins, and Brittany is the runner up for me.

Final Standings (Bottom twos):

1. Jaslene – (Winner) (3)

2. Brittany – (Runner Up) (3)

3. Renee (3)

4. Natasha (1)

5. Dionne (1)

6. Felicia (1)

7. Samantha (2)

8. Sarah (1)

9. Jael (3)

10. Whitney (1)

11. Diana (1)

12. Cassandra (1)

13. Kathleen (1)

ANTM Cycle 8 Final Recap

Final thoughts

I was not a huge fan of this cycle. While it did have some very entertaining contestants and moments, it was very lacking. I think maybe it was the photoshoots that dragged it down for me the most. Almost all of them were WAY too gimmicky and completely ridiculous. They were so cheap and tacky looking, and some of the editing done to the pictures seriously looked like it was edited on Microsoft Paint. These photoshoots were even more campy and gimmicky than Cycle 7’s photoshoots were. On top of that, three of the worst photoshoots in the history of the show, (drag queens, four personalities, memorable ANTM moments), happened three consecutive weeks in a row. No agency would ever take a girl seriously, let alone sign her with THAT in her portfolio. They would seriously be laughed right out an agency with photoshoots like the aforementioned three in their portfolios. If I were one of the models, I would be humiliated showing an agency these pictures. Not the best group of girls either. Some of the girls were VERY talented, and unfortunately some of those said talented girls were eliminated WAY too soon. Where as weaker girls made it way further than they should. There were some talented girls that did make it far though, and I was very satisfied with the winner. The final runway was kind of lame too. Like last cycle, it was far too cheesy for me to take seriously. Overall, Cycle 8 was a very dark and somewhat entertaining cycle, and I definitely don’t hate the cycle. But the atrocious photoshoots and not very strong cast kind of drag it down for me a bit.

Like the other seasons, I am going to rank the girls from highest to lowest call out average wise. The overseas group is ranked 1-6, the makeovers group from 7-11, and the rest at 12-13. Now off to the final rankings!


1. Brittany (3.0) 1/6/2/1/6/1/1/5/4

1. Brittany

Brittany was no doubt the model of the cycle. I don’t recall her taking even one bad photo. Pre overseas, with the exception of two weeks, she was called within the top two, even securing four first call outs from me! That’s amazing for a fifth placer! There’s no way I’d let her win though, despite ranking #1 in my call out averages. This girl had absolutely no professionalism whatsoever, her meltdown at go sees was a perfect example of that. Despite that though, I don’t think I would’ve eliminated her when she was, even though go sees are part of the show. And even if she did blow it big time with her meltdown. She’d be my runner up.

2. Felicia (3.3) 2/1/3/7

2. Felicia

Wow, talk about ranking high for someone who was eliminated fourth! This probably won’t be the only time this will happen, but this is very impressive. Felicia was robbed, BIG time. She spent the first three weeks being called within the Top 3, even earning a first call out the week she took that amazing jock photo. Her elimination is one of the most undeserved in the history of the show. Felicia only took ONE weak photo, that wasn’t even that bad, and gets sent home for it? Yet there were so many other girls who still had to take an impressive photo. Tyra only eliminated her because Felicia resembled her too much. And knowing Tyra, she can’t have anyone resembling her, so off she goes. I would definitely take Felicia overseas in a heartbeat. She’d probably go out Top 6 for me.

3. Natasha (3.8) 7/10/7/2/2/2/2/1/2/4/3

3. Natasha

Oh Natasha, such a goofball. Easily the most entertaining contestant this cycle. And she certainly had a strong portfolio too. Natasha managed to get a whopping five second call outs from me, four of those five being consecutive. She even earned a first call out for that Australian CoverGirl commercial. Quite the contrast from the weak start she got off to the first three weeks, which includes her atrocious teachers pet photo. However, Natasha reverted right back to weak pictures the last two weeks of the competition, and took an abysmal CoverGirl picture. Quite possibly the worst CoverGirl picture in the history of the show. Despite ranking high with a greatly improving portfolio, I find Natasha heavily overrated. Cute personality, but I’m just not a huge fan of her. No way would she be runner up like she was on the show. She’d go out fourth place for me, the Aboriginal week.

4. Dionne (4.1) 8/3/6/4/3/4/3/2/5/3

4. Dionne

I was never exactly sure how to feel about Dionne. I never loved her, but I never hated her either. She was kind of just there to me, though she did crack me up at times. Her portfolio was pretty good, but not excellent. She never took a stand out shot, despite ranking this high in my call out averages. I was never wowed by her. Plus, she had to be coached in a lot of her photos too, even overseas. Not good for a fourth placer. And I would not have taken her to fourth place either. She’d go out Top 5 for me, the swimsuit week.

5. Jaslene (4.2) 3/2/9/8/1/8/4/4/3/2/2

5. Jaslene

This may be an unpopular opinion, but Jaslene deserved to win. I realize she was not very consistent, (especially towards the middle of the competition), but she did fit the prizes more than Natasha, so I wasn’t mad at her winning. I’m kind of surprised Jaslene managed to rank only fifth in my averages. I thought for sure she’d rank at least in the Top 3. But I guess some of her lower call outs in the middle of the competition kind of brought her average down a little bit. Still, she managed to earn one first call out from me, for her drag queen shot. While I didn’t give her any of the first call outs she earned on the show, they were still strong pictures that ranked high in my call outs. Despite this rather low ranking of her in my averages, I’d still crown her the winner. And her and Natasha went on to have extremely successful post show careers anyways, so it doesn’t really make a difference at the end of the day.

6. Renee (4.2) 4/12/8/3/5/3/5/3/1/1/1

6. Renee

And here we have, the villain of the cycle. I could not stand Renee. At all. She always picked fights with people just for the sake of picking fights, and she could never be happy for anyone. Even when she did “change” after her intervention with Tyra, I didn’t believe it one bit. Methinks Renee only suppressed her bitchiness because she didn’t want to look too badly on TV. As for her portfolio, it was a pretty good one. She did take some strong pictures, but I wasn’t entirely wowed by her until overseas, where she managed to rack up three consecutive first call outs from me. She definitely earned her spot in the top three, which is where I’d also eliminate her on the show. I do feel bad about what happened to her post show, with her jail time and all. I hope she manages to find herself once she’s released from jail.


7. Sarah (5.3) 9/7/1/5/4/6

7. Sarah

I don’t get the love for this girl. I was only impressed with one picture of hers, (her nude candy picture, which I gave her first call out for), and she was incredibly irritating and bitchy. I don’t understand what people see in her. Unlike the rest of the fandom, I agreed with her elimination. While her final picture wasn’t that bad, it was still way overacted and forced, even for ridiculous photoshoot standards. She goes the same week she did on the show, with the atrocious four personalities photoshoot. I really don’t want to waste anymore time talking about her.

8. Samantha (7.0) 5/9

8. Samantha

Another robbed contestant that was eliminated WAY too early. Neither of Samantha’s pictures were bad at all, and she should’ve been given another chance to prove herself. Her second photo was a bit bland, but not elimination worthy at all. Tyra only picked a bad photo on purpose just to justify sending her home. Since as usual, Tyra hates introverts and anyone who does not have a bubbly personality. Despite being eliminated second, Samantha went on to have a major career post show. Take that Tyra! She’d probably go out 7th place for me, for the memorable moments photoshoot week. Samantha’s post show success just goes to show you don’t need to last long or have a major personality to have a successful career.

9. Jael (7.0) 11/4/4/10/9/5/7/6

9. Jael

Hoo boy, another big personality here. Jael seems like a fun person to hang out with…. in small doses. While she seemed like a nice girl, she could be quite irritating at times. And she really did not know when to back off either. Still, I liked Jael, and I still found her entertaining a lot of the time. However, I was not impressed with her portfolio. I only liked maybe two of her pictures, her bookworm and her nude candy picture. Both of which I called fourth, her highest call out position in her averages. The rest of her portfolio ranged from mediocre to absolutely terrible, and I eliminated her a whopping four times. By far the most out of all the girls. That’s not good for someone who makes it overseas. She was basically the Jaeda of the cycle, both ended up in sixth place with weak pictures, and multiple eliminations by me. The only difference is no incessant whining of her hair. She had no business going overseas either. I’d eliminate her drag queen week, for that utterly creepy picture of hers. *shudder* I did however feel bad for her when she fell into her meth addiction after the show. Very shocking and awful. By the looks of things, she seems to have gotten clean and is living a drug free life now. You go Jael!

10. Diana (7.2) 6/5/11/6/8

10. Diana

For a plus size contestant, I was expecting a lot from Diana, talent and personality wise. Sadly, she failed to impress in either category. She took mediocre pictures throughout her stay on the show, even though I did like her first two pictures. And she was super forgettable too. She didn’t seem to get a lot of camera time, and when she did, she appeared stuck up and gossipy. She goes out nude candy week for me, as her picture was absolutely atrocious. Nothing special about this plus size contestant.

11. Whitney (7.4) 10/8/5/9/7/7/6

11. Whitney

Another plus size contestant that failed to impress. I’m honestly not sure how she got cast for the show, as her pictures were awful. While she wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought she would be when I ranked her pictures, she had no business making it all the way to the Top 7 on the show. I only liked one picture of hers, her nude candy picture, and even that one wasn’t what I’d call amazing. She’d leave the fourth week for me, the crime scene photoshoot week. I’ve got to say, both plus size models were very disappointing and under performed this cycle. This was not their cycle, that’s for sure.

The Rest:

12. Cassandra (11.0) 12/11/10

12. Cassandra

Cassandra seemed like such a sweet girl, probably one of the most likable contestants in the history of the show. Unfortunately, this girl could not model to save her life. All three weeks she was on the show she managed to rank in the double digits, and none of her pictures were good. I kind of liked her nude candy picture in a way, but even that photo was lacking. Methinks Tyra only dragged her to makeovers just to get rid of that glued in weave she had. And she certainly looked much better with that afro she received as a makeover. She’d probably go out the second week for me, as she really didn’t have a whole lot of talent at all.

13. Kathleen (13.0) 13

13. Kathleen

Not a model. While she seemed like a delight to be around and she was entertaining as hell, this girl didn’t have even a lick of potential. Her anti fur picture was absolutely terrible, one of the worst in the cycle, and her elimination was completely deserved. Not much to say about her as she was the first one cut. Oh well, her cluelessness did crack me up, which you don’t see often with a first eliminated girl. If only she had the talent to back it up.

CoverGirl Print Ad & Commercial

ANTM Cycle 8, Week 11

Oh wow, this has got to be the worst set of CoverGirl pictures in the history of the show. I didn’t mind the pink backdrop I guess, but the photos looked so damn cheap. I think that’s because I was not impressed with any of the photos. Only ONE of the three pictures came out great. The other two were either mediocre or terrible. I guess it’s fitting that the final photoshoot would suck so hard considering what a gimmicky cycle this was. Oh well, onto the last set of photos….

1. Renee


And for the third week in a row, Renee secures yet another first call out from me. For good reason too, as this CoverGirl picture is stunning. It’s literally the only good picture out of the three. She looks so young, so fresh, so natural. I love her head tilt and her smile is beautiful. Not many girls have ever posed that way in a CoverGirl picture before. Not sure what to think of her commercial though. She sounds like someone who’s actually literally on vacation. But like her Top 6 commercial, she’s talking way too fast and too rushed. Plus, why do I feel like her commercial was edited far too much? She literally doesn’t talk about the make up, (the whole point of the commercial), at all. I also don’t get why she was eliminated either. Too old looking? Did the judges even look at her picture? The judges knew from Day 1 she was old looking. And they’re just now gonna pull that out of their ass to justify sending her home? Methinks she was only sent home because the judges feared Jaslene would never beat Renee had she been in the final two instead.

2. Jaslene


This is a pretty good photo of Jaslene. She looks grogeous, but I feel this is far more senior yearbook portrait than it is a CoverGirl picture. Her commercial is okay too, nice touch speaking in Spanish. Her commercial performance was otherwise forgettable until she decided to pull out the Spanish. She sounded far more natural, and a lot more comfortable. Overall, I agreed with Jaslene’s win this cycle. While she wasn’t always the most consistent, she was still a very strong competitor and it was nice to see a Latina take the win.

3. Natasha


Worst. CoverGirl. Picture. Ever. How was this her best shot? This is terrible. Her smile is forced and she looks extremely haggard. Not fresh at all for a CoverGirl picture. Her commercial was even worse. She sounded way too rehearsed, and you could tell she had no idea what she was doing. I have no idea how Natasha became the runner up of the cycle. She was terrible last week, and she failed to perform this week too. I would’ve eliminated her this week, hell I would’ve eliminated her the week before even. She had by far the weakest performance this week.


1. Brittany (3.0) 1/6/2/1/6/1/1/5/4 – (Eliminated Week 9)

2. Felicia (3.3) 2/1/3/7 – (Eliminated Week 4)

3. Natasha (3.8) 7/10/7/2/2/2/2/1/2/4/3 – (Runner Up)

4. Dionne (4.1) 8/3/6/4/3/4/3/2/5/3 – (Eliminated Week 10)

5. Jaslene (4.2) 3/2/9/8/1/8/4/4/3/2/2 – (Winner)

6. Renee (4.2) 4/12/8/3/5/3/5/3/1/1/1 – (Eliminated Week 11)

7. Sarah (5.3) 9/7/1/5/4/6 – (Eliminated Week 6)

8. Samantha (7.0) 5/9 – (Eliminated Week 2)

9. Jael (7.0) 11/4/4/10/9/5/7/6 – (Eliminated Week 8)

10. Diana (7.2) 6/5/11/6/8 – (Eliminated Week 5)

11. Whitney (7.4) 10/8/5/9/7/7/6 – (Eliminated Week 7)

12. Cassandra (11.0) 12/11/10 – (Eliminated Week 3)

13. Kathleen (13.0) 13 – (Eliminated Week 1)


Brittany: 0

Cassandra: 0

Diana: 1

Dionne: 1

Felicia: 0

Jael: 4

Jaslene: 1

Kathleen: 1

Natasha: 2

Renee: 1

Samantha: 0

Sarah: 0

Whitney: 0